These alligator lizards are tough! Here are some pictures of a particularly fearless one battling, and winning over, a large American Crow, probably more that 10 times his size! Enjoy!
To read more about the SD alligator lizard, visit my Reptiles and Amphibians section.
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The audacious reptile meets his foe and potential predator!

A showdown is just the anticipatory part of the fight!

OK, time to get the fight started!

Neither wants to strike first, BUT
YES!! The intrepid lizard scores!

Mr Crow flies away! (
COWARD!) andthe brave reptile is safe! (For now at least :):) The victor licks his wounds and leaves.
I was rooting for the little guy the whole time! In God's plan, he often used small individuals to accomplish great works - just like that feisty alligator lizard. I would be wary of any animal naked after an alligator. Mr bird should have kept his distance!.
Fr. Ed,
Crows are one of the smartest birds in the world. Smarter than but just as talkative as parrots. They are so smart, in England, they would pounce on frogs but learned to hit them in the heart. This crow was probably curious and checked it out to see if it was an easy meal, but again because they are so smart the did it with cation. He is not a coward but a survivor, in fact it's probably still alive today.
Alligator lizards are nasty little things that bite me!
What was this preschool project or something.
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